Friday, May 1, 2015

Summer Slide

Do you here your child's teacher mention "summer slide?' It is a real thing. It is what happens when your child(ren) don't pick up a book and read over the summer. Did you know that if your child doesn't pick up a book, read or use their brain over the summer they well regress up to two months of reading growth... TWO! That is a lot to make up for the next year.  This loss is cumulative so that by sixth grade they will be TWO YEARS behind their classmates.

In order for students to be successful in school they NEED to be able to read. Reading makes up a large chunk of all subjects including Math.

Please encourage your child(ren) to read... buy them books, borrow books, take them to the library for weekly visits. Let them check out books that interests them and ones you can read together. Get them a magazine subscription. Seriously do whatever you can to encourage a love of reading.